Filming Amines (aliphatic amine) Kit
Range: 0-1 ppm
MDL: 0.05 ppm
Method: Methyl Orange
Pre-dosed auto- filling reagent ampoules
Kit comes in a cardboard box and contains everything needed to perform 20 tests: Refill, Comparator, reaction tube with lid, tip breaking tool, and instructions.
Replacement reagents avalaible (code R-1001)
The Filming Amine CHEMets® test kit employs the methyl orange extraction method. Filming amine reacts with methyl orange to form a colored complex that is extracted into an immiscible organic solvent. The intensity of the resulting yellow color is directly related to the concentration of "filming amine" in the sample. Test results are expressed in ppm (mg/Liter) octade-cylamine.